Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Rubberbands to the future

Im so so sorry all you nano-fans , it has been a long time since I posted, so long in fact that according to this page, and thinking gestational, which we do here at svenblog, it has been 14,984 days give or take about ten days.

But I hear you and you are probably saying something like"- but what is up with the past and the future and the hey hey uh here and now, what with the comets and the dinosaurs and the comical yet insightful speculations to the demise of our brothers the Neanderthal"?

I won't lie, I wasn't eating sushi, and that got me thinking.

Well not really but here is what I got.

The Japanese seem exceedingly capable of not only finding ancient sea monsters, and catching them on film, yet cannot control physically catching them and thus killing them.

And now that I have your paleo-archeaolgical attention, it looks like that little man from the Flores islands (Homo floresiensis) is up for re-appropriation. He's probably shaken in his yet undiscovered reptilian boots after the shameful bitch slap that Pluto recently took when the Astro's from the planet naming commission downgraded his ass. Now ain't nobody gonna name their child Pluto

And at the other end of the scale is the fascinating concept of Horizontal Gene Transfer. HGT as the lab boys call it, is another spike in that identity crisis I suffer when it comes to contemplating the super-organism that is me.

Basically it is the concept that successful gene combos can cross species by inserting their DNA into another species' DNA by way of bacteria, thus uploading genetic sequences to be uniquely adopted and later grow more adapted.

Kinda like Avian Flu.

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